shaahee khaanadaan ka vyakti example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word shaahee khaanadaan ka vyakti usage in english sentences. The examples of shaahee khaanadaan ka vyakti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., royal.

The buildings in the royal complex had splendid arches, domes and pillared halls with niches for holding sculptures.

The Qutb Shahi rulers of Golconda imposed royal monopolies on the sale of textiles, spices and other items to prevent the trade passing completely into the hands of the various East India Companies.
Although his idea was not widely accepted at that time, he, for his work, was later awarded Davy Medal in 1887 by the Royal Society, London.
The trio won the award for their development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis –a way to rearrange groups of atoms within molecules that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences likened to a dance in which couples change partners.
In the midst of descriptions of the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, the unseasonably warm weather, the opening matches of the football season and a recent bye-election, Duttada spotted the sentence he was eagerly looking for: “The charge of the Light Brigade has begun.
In an imaginary country called Happyland, the people overthrew the foreign ruler and brought back the old royal family.
In 1825, he succeeded Davy as Director of the Royal Institution laboratories, and in 1833 he also became the first Fullerian Professor of Chemistry.
He disseminated science in a variety of ways including his Friday evening discourses, which he founded at the Royal Institution.
A new French flag, the tricolour, was chosen to replace the former royal standard.
He became Professor in 1856 and Fellow of Royal Society in 187 He made major contribution to structural organic chemistry by proposing in 1858 that carbon atoms can join to one another to form chains and later in 1865,he found an answer to the challenging problem of benzene structure by suggesting that these chains can close to form rings.
संबंधित शब्द शाही खानदान का व्यक्ति के पर्यायवाची